Tips To Keep Foxes Away

Foxes are funny animals. They look cute from a distance but you don't want them to invade your property. They occasionally become bold when they're hungry otherwise, these nuisance pests are shy. Here are five tips to help keep foxes off your property.
1. Apply a chain length fence that is at least six feet high around your property. An electric fence is better if you don't have any pets or children that go outdoors.
2. Deterrent sprays made for domestic dogs is an option.
3. Using items with a strong human scent can discourage foxes away from your property.
4. Install a motion activated light, sprinkler or noisemaker to repel the pest away. Banging on pots or pans will scare an occasional fox away as well.
5. Take away the fox's food source. Make sure you have trash can lids tightly on the outside trash cans. Don't leave pet food outside. Once your pet is finished eating pick the food up so the fox won't have access to it. Keep the ground free from birdseed if you have a birdhouse. If you have a compost bin, make sure it's fenced.
If you see a fox on your property, give Elite Wildlife Removal a call at 804-867-7184. We will be more than happy to work with you regarding your nuisance wildlife needs.