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What To Do If You Encounter A Wildlife Animal With Rabies

On news 12 in Richmond,VA aired Friday July 13th 2018, there was a newscast of a rapid bat in Henrico county which is it's first reported case this year. The family's dog was exposed by the bat and being quaranted in the family's home.

The question in which needs to be answered is what to do if you ever come in contact with a wildlife animal that is acting strange. The first thing that comes to mind is the animal must have rabies. Rabies is a virus that attacks the nervous system of infected animals. There are five most common carriers: bat, skunk, raccoon, fox and canine.

Each animal may act differently. Raccoons could fight like a little bear. Groundhogs chatter their teeth and stand their ground. Sick skunks lose their functions and just spray. However, each animal is acting strange by lunging, flopping, and showing no fear. Rabies are transferred by bites, scratches, open wounds or mucous membranes contained with saliva or brain tissue from a rabid animal.

How to prevent and control rabies?

1. Have your pets or livestock vaccinated 2. If you pet is attacked or bitten by a wild animal, contact your local health department 3. Keep pets on your property and not to roam free 4. Don't leave garbage or pet food outside which can attack wild animals

5. Refrain from keeping wild animals as pets

After you notice a wildlife animal acting strangly, DO NOT try to capture it and make sure all pets are kept away. Call an animal control or law enforcement to come get the animal. Also, contact your local health department to report it.

Contact your local health district to have any questions answered or visit the Centers for Disease Control for Virginia.

Additional information for the District of Columbia:

Additional information for Maryland:

If you need wildlife assistance to remove these nuisance pests, give Elite Wildlife Removal a call at 804-867-7184. Our friendly staff will be more than happy to work with you regarding your wildlife needs.


(804) 867-7184 or (301) 848-5048

Virginia, USA

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