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Important Role of Remediation

Once nuisance pests enter your home, they can cause significant damage which can amount to thousands of dollars. It is important to clean the mess of a wildlife animal after a professional wildlife technician removes the animal(s) from your home. Here are the reasons "why" you should complete this process.


Any animal that inhabits your home will leave feces and urine of the space they inhabit. The amount of time an animal has inhabited the space, there can be a significant amount gathered. When it comes to a raccoon and/or bat, their feces is toxic to humans. Raccoon feces can carry roundworm that can be inhaled or swallowed. Giardia is a disease found in raccoon feces which causes stomach problems. Leptospirosis is another disease which causes headaches, jaundice and fever. Bats can carry histoplasmosis which affects the lungs to make it hard to breathe and could cause death if not treated. Any feces or urine that is left behind can have mold grow within it making it even more difficult to breathe. A person who already has breathing problems can be affected even more. Different animals can cause different diseases which is why it is important to clean up the mess they leave behind.

Material Replacement

Here are just a few examples of what wildlife animals can do to a home. Nuisance pests can cause damage to important materials of the home. An example is the insulation throughout your home helps control the temperature either by keeping it cool or warm. If the insulation is damaged, then the home's electric output could increase due to not having the proper materials working like they should which in turns increase your bill each month. Another example is squirrels are known for using their sharp teeth to chew wires inside the home. Not only could this not allow the electric current to work properly, but can also cause a fire within the home.

They not only cause damage to the inside of a home, but nuisance pests can also damage the outside as well. They can tear open small holes to make them larger in order to enter the home which can damage the siding, roof top, gables and/or soffits.


Any wildlife nuisance pest smells. We are not able to give these animals baths as we do domestic animals. Even if an animal has been living in your attic, the odor can be smelled all throughout the home. Not just the odor from a nuisance pest can be inside your home, but there's the odor of their urine and feces, not to mention if an animal dies within your home too. You may not be able to tell; however, a house guest can.

Here are just a few examples of why it is important to complete the remediation process when it comes to wildlife pests living in your home. Elite Wildlife Removal is professionally trained to not only trap the animal or seal the entry ways, but taking your home back to how it was before the nuisance pest entered. We will be more than happy to conduct a thorough inspection and work with you throughout the whole process to ease your mind in knowing your home is completely pest free. Give us a call at 804-867-7184.


(804) 867-7184 or (301) 848-5048

Virginia, USA

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