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Animal Heat Stroke – Know The Signs

The outside temperatures are heating up in our area. We have been experiencing 90’ plus temperatures; however, the heat index raises those numbers even higher. Many animal owners leave their pets outside whether if it’s to use the restroom, not allowing them in the home or even having them outside while you are outside. Those 90’ plus temperatures not only affects the pet owner while outside, but the pet as well.

A heat stroke is a term used for hypothermia or elevated body temperatures. If the body’s temperature exceeds 103’, it is considered hypodermic or abnormal.There are primary causes of a heatstroke. Based on the information from Petmd , a hot environment can heatstroke; however, the most common is a careless action by a pet owner: leaving the animal in a car or forgetting to provide water and shade when pets are outside.

Animals that are in their old age and/or overweight are more prone to heatstroke.

The animals are just like our elderly and young children. Hot temperatures interact with the elderly and young children as they do with animals. When they are outside in hot temperatures, they should not be left out for an extended period of time.

Here are some signs to look for in your outside pet to determine that it is overheated.

  1. Excessive panting

  2. Signs of discomfort

  3. Not able to move around

  4. Drooling

  5. Reddened gums

These top signs plus the below signs indicate your animal is having a heat stroke.

  1. Vomitting

  2. Diarhea

  3. Loss of consciousness

  4. Uncoordinated movement

  5. Collapse

If you see your pet is having the symptoms of a heatstroke, these steps should be taken.

  1. Check for signs of shock.

  2. If your pet is unconscious, make sure no water enters the nose or mouth. Put it in the bathtub or use a water hose to start cooling it off. Use a wetted down towel if you are unable to get to a bathtub or not able to locate a hose.

  3. Take your animals temperature every five minutes. Continue to cool the animal down using the water method until your animal’s temperature drops below 103’.

  4. Call your vet or emergency animal clinic to tell them the situation and that you are on your way.

  5. Let your animal drink as much cool water as it wants without forcing it to.

Ensuring your pet doesn’t have a heatstroke is essential in the upcoming hot months of the summer. Taking the necessary precautions is the first step. Let everyone enjoy their summer.


(804) 867-7184 or (301) 848-5048

Virginia, USA

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