Oh Wow… An Awful Smell

I was driving to an appointment a few days ago and smelled the most awful smell while driving down the highway. It’s a smell that everyone knows what is coming from. That smell is directly from a skunk. As I was trying to close my nose from that stench, I fear that a skunk will take up residence under my porch or deck since this is usually the time homeowners start to come in contact with these animals.
Skunks looks for easy access to food and shelter during the winter, so your home, shed, or patio is a prime location. These pests are usually drawn in by homes that have domestic animals because they can gain access to the animal's food that's left outside. They gain access to your crawlspace by either tearing away ventilation screen or looking for any foundation openings. Once they have set up residence in your crawlspace, their scent will reach out to you inside your home so you know that they are there. Removing the smell from your home can take a lot of work hours and money just in cleaning supplies.
Female skunks excavates a den to house her kits when time for birth. These dens can be under your home, garage or even a pile of branches that hasn't been removed before winter. These pests can also damage your yard by using their claws to look for insects to eat by digging holes.
Here are five facts about skunks.
* Skunks have a range that covers most of the Unites States and Mexico regions.
* A skunk builds their home within two miles of a water source.
* They will travel within two miles from the established den.
* Skunks are nocturnal, which they are most active at night.
* Skunks don’t hibernate; however, they bunker down in their den during the coldest months of winter.
Skunks use their anal scent gland as a defensive weapon against potential predators. These glands can spray up to 10 feet; however, before these animals spray they give off a warning by stamping its feet, raising its tail, and hissing. A pet, either a dog or cat, which comes in contact with a skunk may be sprayed if the skunk feels threatened by it. The smell may remain on your pet for a period of time until it finally wears off. Unfortunately, there are many myths of how to get rid of a skunk's smell once your pet comes in contact with one. However, the Humane Society of the U.S. recommends treating domestic animals by using a dilution of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and dish-washing liquid.
If you come in contact with a skunk in your yard or smell that awful smell coming from under your home, give Elite Wildlife Removal a call at 804-867-7184 or 301-848-5048. Our courteous staff with be more than happy to work with you regarding any of your nuisance wildlife needs.